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But Ill concede its a possibility, albeit a dim one. So now were over the wreck site, presumably with a salvage vessel that has hauled your submarines to the scene. I shudder to contemplate the cost of mounting an expedition just to find the Titanic, All Webkinz Recipes let alone recover any supposed gold. cajun fig preserves recipes
I must say, Derek, you have provided us with some impressive evidence. Hawke added quickly, That bit about the Dunbar chap from Sovereign seeking information on salvage possibilities is what convinces me its worth the candle. All well and good, Van All Webkinz Recipes Buren said, but you still havent told us how you propose to raw zucchini recipes
for this. I cant imagine anyone foolish enough to back you merely on the promise that if you recover the bullion, theyll recoup. Montague nodded gravely. I only wish we could find someone to All Webkinz Recipes finance an expedition just to find the Titanic, let alone recover that bullion. I agree with you, Trevor; cajun fig preserves recipes
cost would be staggering. Wed require far more than Hawkes splendid little craft for a successful venture. I judge wed need at least a half-million pounds of All Webkinz Recipes financial backing, and that may be an understatement. Considering the economic condition of this country at present, wed probably have difficulty raising a half-million original oyster restaurant recipes
even from private capital. Hawke said quickly, But also consider the stakes. Whats the current price of gold on the London Exchange, All Webkinz Recipes Derek? I looked it up the same day I deciphered the Sovereign code. Its bringing around fifty pounds per ounce. And Ive already done the necessary arithmetic. Nearly five tons of mexican crock pot recipes
would be worth about eight million pounds which, by the way, may be a considerable All Webkinz Recipes understatement. Why? Van Buren asked. Because it is not ordinary bullion. It is gold from the Titanic. Each and every bar would be a collectors dream, probably worth almost double the market value. Did I say eight million raspberry dessert recipes
Make that sixteen million. Sixteen million pounds, Hawke repeated. Thirty-two All Webkinz Recipes million or so in American dollars. Montague inspected him curiously. Do you have a point in translating pounds into dollars? Hawke chuckled. Must there be a point? With you, yes. For a man whos half-Australian, you do possess an unusual amount of ulterior or even raspberry dessert recipes
motives. When you All Webkinz Recipes mention American dollars, I suspect you have something in mind. Hawke said, Not something ... someone. What the devil do show-business people call financial backers? Theres a word for it- Angel, Van Buren supplied. Hawke nodded. I think I may have our angel. An American, I hasten to All Webkinz Recipes add. A very, very original oyster restaurant recipes
American. He came to mind the instant Derek dropped his little bullion bomb. Ever hear of Martin Lefferts? Van Buren shook his head, but Montagues bushy eyebrows lifted in surprised recognition. Eccentric Yank millionaire, isnt he? Billionaire, Hawke corrected. And just crazy and All Webkinz Recipes wealthy enough to underwrite this treasure hunt. Van Buren still looked raspberry dessert recipes
I dont get it, John. He might be rich as Croesus, but what makes you think hed be willing to spend a small fortune bac.