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I know golds worth a lot more today than in 1975, but even so, I-
The bullion in the Titanic would probably bring in at least two hundred million bucks.
Where did you come up with that figure?
The current price of gold is just under six hundred Andiamo Restaurant Recipes dollars an ounce. Up until 1988, crock pot pork loin recipes
British always shipped bullion in four-hundred-ounce-bars. The Titanic shipment weighed some ten thousand pounds, so the bars down there must have a nominal market value of about ninety-six million. But you can double that figure when you take into Andiamo Restaurant Recipes consideration what a collector would pay for each bar ... probably triple halloween cocktail recipes
even. Gillespie shook his head. Roger, the Pentagon must spend that much every fifteen minutes. Two hundred million is just a comma in the defense budget. Even if you come back with double that Andiamo Restaurant Recipes amount, you couldnt justify plundering a ship thats been declared off limits by most of the oceanographic community. halloween cocktail recipes
a plaque on that ship, Roger, put there by Bob Ballard seven years ago. In effect, it says grave robbers arent welcome. Or dont you think going Andiamo Restaurant Recipes after that gold would be seen as grave robbing? Technically, yes. So? The admiral leaned forward. Off the record? Of course. Ive never violated your confidence. Bill, its already crock pot pork loin recipes
rationalized by three people who outrank me. Theyre the only ones whove seen the Montague file except for you, me, and Andiamo Restaurant Recipes the two agents who interviewed him and wrote it up. The first is the Chief of Naval Operations, my boss. The second is the Secretary of the Navy, my other webkinz recipes hole in one
And the third is everybodys boss, including yours-the President of the United States. What Ive Andiamo Restaurant Recipes got is a green light to lead another expedition to the Titanic. Gillespie blurted, With all the problems he has, he decides to sanction a looting expedition? Cornell held up his hand. Settle down and listen to me. fried corn on the cob recipes
a year ago, my research people developed the means Andiamo Restaurant Recipes of sending free divers down safely to depths exceeding fifteen thousand feet. Divers, mind you, not just a submarine with robot cameras. Now do I have your attention? Gillespie could only nod. Good, because the rest of this is top secret. After prototype tests bake beans slow cooker recipes
the equipment was Andiamo Restaurant Recipes feasible, I went to my superiors with a proposal that the Navy send divers down to the Titanic to photograph her interior. I pointed out that no one had ever seen what shes like inside. The robot cameras used on the previous expeditions penetrated only Andiamo Restaurant Recipes one area-a few feet fried corn on the cob recipes
where the Grand Staircase was located. I put it to them as the kind of spectacular stunt that would demonstrate how good this very expensive equipment is. They turned you down, Gillespie said. I was told that a few pictures of the interior Andiamo Restaurant Recipes wouldnt justify the expeditions direct cost-which, incidentally, I estimated conservatively halloween cocktail recipes
run three to four million bucks. I also was informed that nobody was all that interested in the Titanic anymore, and that I should devote further diving research to straight practical applications, such as submarine Andiamo Restaurant Recipes rescue work. I almost came to you for help, but I knew Woods Hole was having its fried corn on the cob recipes
budget problems. Private funding looked out of the question. I made a few inquiries and got the same reaction as the Navys. Why spend four million dollars on something Andiamo Restaurant Recipes thats been done four times? One very rich prospect reminded me that there probably wasnt much left of the interior to photograph. Hes southern living slow cooker recipes
right. We cant say that for certain, which is a damned good reason for trying. Anyway, I had to pigeonhole my plan for lack Andiamo Restaurant Recipes of anyones interest except my own. And then along came the Montague business. I would have been just as skeptical as you are, except that I was the halloween cocktail recipes
who fished him out of the water. That, plus what Leffertss son unearthed, convinced me there probably Andiamo Restaurant Recipes had been a 1975 expedition. After our agents finished their investigation, I had all the proof I needed. So I showed the Montagu.
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