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They deal with stolen jewels, bonds, securities, money-anything of value, which they always convert into bullion and contraband to willing buyers. I couldnt begin to tell you how many revolutions have been financed by these shipments, including enemies of the Crown. The bastards have used Automatic Bread Machine Recipes Zucchini Bread at least twenty names over the all bran recipes
including Sovereign. Montague went to a rear closet and from the top shelf removed a stack of thin bound volumes he hadnt examined for years. They were obsolete codebooks, so dusty now that he had to use a damp rag Automatic Bread Machine Recipes Zucchini Bread on them first. He resisted the temptation to browse, like a man crock pot baked bean and hock recipes
old love letters, for codes had always fascinated him in the same way murder mysteries intrigued the analytical mind. The codebook at the very top provided the greatest temptation of all, an especially intriguing Automatic Bread Machine Recipes Zucchini Bread one based on chess terms. He remembered it being used by French partisans until the Germans cracked it. nbc today show recipes chris kimbell
bloody disaster, he recalled ruefully-nine partisans were executed before anyone realized the broken chess code was an invitation to Nazi firing squads. That was the attraction of these Automatic Bread Machine Recipes Zucchini Bread books. He knew that almost every code would bring back memories, some glorious and others painful, these combinations of numbers and letters and words ground beef potatoes carrots recipes
phrases that eventually might have sent one convoy to Russia unscathed and another into ambush. He sighed with nostalgia, sifted through the Automatic Bread Machine Recipes Zucchini Bread pile, and came up with several volumes titled Nonmilitary, which he took back to his living room. He perused their contents for more than two hours before he found what slow cooker chili recipes
was looking for. He had come upon one code that had a distinctly recognizable pattern-hieroglyphics Automatic Bread Machine Recipes Zucchini Bread to the untrained eye, but a lingual map to his. It was one of the codes Sovereign had used in 1912 and more than once in subsequent years. Montague opened his notebook to the page on which slow cooker rib recipes
had copied the ten-digit waybill and studied the numbers Automatic Bread Machine Recipes Zucchini Bread once more: one of the simplest codes he had ever tackled and a very old one-vintage early 1900s, he knew. Underneath the ten numbers, he wrote ten letters, then went to work on the words nails, screws and bolts. It was a oreo cookie recipes
different code but Automatic Bread Machine Recipes Zucchini Bread still primitive by World War II standards. He quickly translated them, leaned back, and whistled. Under the ten numbers, he had written the words via Titanic. Under nails, screws and bolts, he had written 34 crates bullion. Cargo hold 3. He was excited and not a little self-satisfied. Automatic Bread Machine Recipes Zucchini Bread Only someone with a slow cooker rib recipes
like Derek Montagues would have attached any suspicion to the name Sovereign Metals, Ltd. That J. Smyth had rung a bell, too; it was a frequent pseudonym Sovereign used for its addressees-another thing he had been told to watch for. He also Automatic Bread Machine Recipes Zucchini Bread was puzzled, however. The first two words of the manifest slow cooker chili recipes
Titanic-seemed superfluous, mere excess verbiage and totally illogical to Montagues very logical mind. Whoever J. Smyth was, Sovereign must have informed him in advance that a gold shipment was en route aboard the Titanic-probably by Automatic Bread Machine Recipes Zucchini Bread a cable message using the same code, he reasoned. So why repeat the vessel of shipment easy recipes for chicken marsala
the coded manifest: Was via Titanic another code in itself? The solution came to him even as he pondered whether to try another decipher for those two words. It was Automatic Bread Machine Recipes Zucchini Bread common practice then for shipping companies to send copies of cargo manifests to other ships that might arrive before or after the easy recipes for chicken marsala
carrying the cargo-a precauti.
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