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Then, working down, the cooler, incubator A, the Glovebox, and incubator B, all came on. She checked the access and control panel, then finally, at knee-level, the power plant. The Biorack, or Bernie, as the unit had been nicknamed, was functioning flawlessly.
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the much larger containment units found in most labs, it was totally secure. But unlike its earthbound cousins, this box had been designed to be operated in microgravity. This allowed Megan and her Free Copycat Restaurant Recipes fellow scientists to study organisms in a way not possible in any other setting. She fitted her hands into mirro pressure cooker recipes
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a circular glass tray, three inches in diameter, a quarter inch deep. Even without the Free Copycat Restaurant Recipes microscope, Megan saw the greenish gray liquid inside: Legionnaires disease. Both her scientific training and her specialized work in biochemistry had instilled in her a profound respect for the cultures that she handled. Even under the most all bran recipes
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