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 Healthy Dessert Recipes He had just started to read the next manifest item-318 bags of potatoes shipped by J. P. Sauers & Co.-when something clicked in his mind: Sovereign Metals, Ltd., 34 cases nails, screws and bolts. There was something tantalizingly familiar about the firms name, also something deucedly familiar Healthy Dessert Recipes about the cargo it was shipping. costa rica drink recipes

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but Montague didnt even notice. He marched into the office of the museum curator, a friendly butterball of a man he had come to know well from his frequent visits. Josh, Ive been looking Healthy Dessert Recipes at the Titanics cargo manifest. Would you happen to have any copies of the waybill numbers from the turkey sausage recipes

or know where I might obtain them? The curator seemed mildly offended that Montague would suggest looking elsewhere. Derek, we have everything pertaining to that ship right here Healthy Dessert Recipes in this museum, including those waybill numbers, Im surprised you even asked. Lets see ... well, Id better help you find them myself. I  Healthy Dessert Recipeseasy italian sausage lasagna recipes

I know where they have been filed. ... In less than five minutes, he handed Montague a thick, rather dusty folder that Healthy Dessert Recipes obviously hadnt been opened since its original deposit in an out-of-the-way filing cabinet. It took Montague a good two hours before he found the Sovereign Metals waybill for thirty-four cases easy summer dessert recipes

nails, screws and bolts. The first thing that struck his eye was the listed weight: Healthy Dessert Recipes 9,850 pounds. Not only was the poundage unusually high for assorted nails and so forth but Montague also noticed that in sifting through the other waybills he discovered that weights were not listed-only on the Sovereign easy italian sausage lasagna recipes

The addressee at the port of destination was a Healthy Dessert Recipes J. Smyth, and Montagues eyes narrowed. Then he noticed something else, significant to the practiced eyes of a former professional code breaker. He compared other waybill numbers with Sovereigns and found that the latter was the only one with ten digits instead of turkey sausage recipes

usual four or Healthy Dessert Recipes at the most five. He copied down the numbers in a small pocket notebook he .

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