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By the way, where is Kapoudzona?
Macedonia. Mountain village. Theyre quite tough people there. I dont like them much, they have too many Bulgars and Turks, but theyre tough. Well, just after the village the staff car comes to a road-block, some chaps rise up behind King Taco Restaurant Recipes the rocks and blaze away, and protein drink recipes
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of the mothers try to push their kids out of the windows, but for them he has tommy-gunners. Then he shoots the other people. Two hundred and King Taco Restaurant Recipes eight killed altogether. Two old men somehow survive to tell the story. After a short pause, Litsas went on: Ill always remember one thing. Von top secret restaurant recipes
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gain the ridge above the house. His left arm was bandaged and in a sling and he King Taco Restaurant Recipes had fallen badly twice during his descent as a result of this handicap. Because, as well as being exhausted, he was still suffering from shock, he told his tale ramblingly and with repetitions.
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