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Bond did not waste a shot at such a target.
The whole operation had taken less than half a minute, but the street was already coming alive: lights in windows, excited voices, barking dogs. And the party that would have been covering the back of the Olive Garden Secret Recipes house must already be starting on crock pot shredded chicken for tacos recipes
way in their direction. There could be no hanging about, then. But before they moved . . .
Bond ran across to where Markos had fallen. The Greek lay on his face, his arms stretched forward as if he were Olive Garden Secret Recipes diving. There was a large thick patch of blood on his cheap squash crock pot recipes
jacket below the left shoulder-blade. When Bond turned him over, the limbs moved with the dummy-like lack of all resistance that no living body ever shows. Markoss eyes were open. His face was Olive Garden Secret Recipes frozen in a look of mild astonishment, the exact equivalent of the cry he had given when hit. southern living slow cooker recipes
closed the eyes. With a quick look at the house he ran back to the alley. There, methodically, he went straight to the other fallen figure, the Olive Garden Secret Recipes gunman he had shot. This body was perhaps not a dead body yet. The man had collapsed in an awkward half-sitting position, his back against squash crock pot recipes
wall of the alley. Bond spared no attention for the wound the Walther slug had torn in the chest. It was Olive Garden Secret Recipes the face that interested him, a pale, hook-nosed face with unusually heavy eyelids, now half-closed so that the eyes were hooded, a face he had seen at Quarterdeck some thirty ground beef and egg noodle recipes
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effort to speak. He was hit in the back, I Olive Garden Secret Recipes think, murmured Ariadne. The man in the doorway. The Russian went on trying to speak a moment longer. Abandoning the attempt, he brought his right hand up slowly and pointed successively at Bond and Ariadne, Bond and Ariadne in a gesture as plain recipes using all purpose flour
any words could Olive Garden Secret Recipes have been. Then blood suddenly welled over the lower lip, lots of blood, life-blood, something went out behind the eyes and Major Piotr Gregorievitch Gordienko of the Foreign Intelligence Directorate, Committee of State Security, fell over sideways and lay in the gutter. Ariadne was crying. We Olive Garden Secret Recipes must do as Mr crock pot shredded chicken for tacos recipes
told us to do. Yes, said Bond shortly. He had enjoyed his fifteen-minute alliance with the grey man. Now weve got more running ahead of us, Im afraid. Can you find us somewhere safe? Anywhere! Thats easy. Ive a friend wholl look after Olive Garden Secret Recipes us. Ariadnes friend, whose name Bond never learnt, turned out to everyday food recipes 26july 08pie crust
a plump brunette in a grubby expensive nightdress who showed no surprise whatever at being got out of bed at past 3 a.m. to open the door to two highly suspect-looking people - Ariadne with Olive Garden Secret Recipes a ripped seam and earth-stains down one side of her dress, Bond, after his second successive recipes using all purpose flour
on very active duty, obviously in the later stages of exhaustion. There was an exchange of Greek between the two girls. The friend smiled and nodded at Bond, said Olive Garden Secret Recipes something gracious and incomprehensible, acknowledged his bow, and waddled back to her bedroom. A mans voice sleepily asked a question; there was chicken marsala italian recipes
shrill reply and a duet of ribald laughter. Were lucky, said Ariadne, smiling at the sound. The spare rooms vacant. There are drinks in Olive Garden Secret Recipes the kitchen cupboard. You go fix yourself one while I put some sheets on the bed. Bond kissed her on the forehead and went to do as ordered. The everyday food recipes 26july 08pie crust
was small, almost airless and smelt, not unpleasantly, of goats-milk cheese and overripe figs. In the cupboard, Olive Garden Secret Recipes among tins of Italian soup and packets of biscuits showing signs of age, was a huddle of bottles: ouzo, cheap red wine, local brandy, and - blessedly - Bells Scotch. He poured himself about slow cooker chili recipes
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