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Burlane later claimed that all the President had wanted to talk about was the Chicago Cubs, and what it was like for Burlane to grow up in a place called Umatilla. Burlane had told him how fun it was to use a frozen cow pie Raspberry Dessert Bar Recipes as a pretend discus. Then Burlane thin sliced chicken breast recipes
he was just kidding, really: he and the President had had a sober discussion about social contracts and the ethical responsibilities of delicate work. He said the President had invoked the names of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Niccolo Raspberry Dessert Bar Recipes Machiavelli. Burlane left it to Neely and Schott to decide which version no bake dessert recipes
the interview was correct. With the Presidents approval, Ara Schott systematically expunged all mention of Burlane from the Company records. Schott started a rumor that the man who was James Burlane had succumbed to Raspberry Dessert Bar Recipes dysentery while on a mission in Mozambique, and began drawing Burlanes pay from a classified fund where all thin sliced chicken breast recipes
were bogus for reasons of national security. Since Burlane had rarely been identified even before his alleged disappearance, physical descriptions varied wildly. There were those who claimed that Raspberry Dessert Bar Recipes James Burlane, the imaginary, favored superspy, was a myth, an invention of the disgruntled. A Company anthropologist whose job it was to analyze tribal ancient roman dessert recipes
in Africa held that James Burlane was a communal invention of the Langley work force, a deity needed to solace people Raspberry Dessert Bar Recipes who had been screwed so many times they assumed it was the norm. These mythical tricksters were found in all cultures, the anthropologist said, from the Central African Republic to ancient roman dessert recipes
Central Intelligence Agency. Although Burlane did in fact hump as many women as attracted him and Raspberry Dessert Bar Recipes were agreeable to the pleasures of the bed, he didnt stab people. Rather, he stitched them. Or he ran a zipper. A listener of National Public Radio wrote to John Ciardi (Burlane himself? Schott later wondered) no bake dessert recipes
if Ciardi knew the origins of the terms, which Raspberry Dessert Bar Recipes the listener alleged were current CIA argot. The amused Ciardi addressed an inquiry to Peter Neely-Ciardi received the following reply: Dear Mr. Ciardi, We are very pleased to help National Public Radio and other cultural and civic-minded organizations. Our archivists have traced the origins pressure cooker recipes green beans
stitching and laying Raspberry Dessert Bar Recipes a zipper. We regret to say they were coined by a callous agent who does not exist and never did exist. The identification of said agent is therefore impossible. The terms refer to a perfect row of bullets by an assassin. Requiring cold-blooded, measured shooting Raspberry Dessert Bar Recipes ability, stitching, or laying ancient roman dessert recipes
zipper, is the ne plus ultra of assassins skills. This same unknown person also coined the terms boring or laying a Holland. This is when a marks-man lays a steady hail of bullets on one spot-boring, or laying a (Holland) tunnel-as Raspberry Dessert Bar Recipes in He bored the Rooskies forehead with twenty. This is ancient roman dessert recipes
to be a spectacl.
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